My wristwatch ticks, the pitter-patter of the last showers for the year and the chirping of the crickets envelope around me as I wait for Inaayat in my car.
It's been fifteen minutes since I had to leave the club because of the unexpected arrival of the other college students. I am patiently waiting in my car, parked right in front of the club's entry gate when my phone rings disrupting the silence.
Why the hell is Sameer calling me, now?
"Hmm," I answer the call uninterestedly, my gaze locked at the entrance.
"I...Shaan, Aayat-" He stutters, confusing me with his half worded statement. I ask him to tell me clearly when the music in his background starts roaring and I hit my head on the steering wheel when I catch his hint.
"I'm coming," I tell him before disconnecting the call and getting off my car, walking towards the place, again.
This girl should carry the pluck card screaming 'Problem'.
I enter the damp and dim place and the blazing music almost deafens my ears. I hope she got some information or else we would have to come to this place again.
I trudge blindly towards the free spaces I get, looking around for Sameer or Inaayat.
"Shaan!" I hear a whisper, my gaze move towards the faint shadow of Sameer who jumps when he realises I saw him.
Aggressively pointing at the stage, he calls me near.
"What happened? I didn't hear you clearly-the only thing I heard was that there's a problem related to Ina-" Before I complete my sentence, he turns me to my right, pointing at something or rather someone.
What the bloody hell.
"I don't know. I tried sobering and coaxing her to the exit but every time I do so, she starts shushing me down and-"
"And.." His face lowers a little," threatens to kick me."
I stifle back my laughter realising that I have a more important matter than laughing over Sameer's misery.
"Others?" I question realising that Nikhil, Mishti and Garima are here as well.
"They all have passed out." He tells me showing the leather couch at the corner where those three are comfortably sleeping.
"You be with them, I'll bring her."
The dancing stage is glimmering and flittering with lights. The stage's almost packed and yet there she is dancing and moving and swaying and whirling and twirling, like there's no tomorrow.
And suddenly everyone around evaporates in the thin air, as the only thing I can focus on is her face-pleasant and rosy, the wistful mischievous simper playing on her lips and her eyes twinkling.
I try ignoring the soft smile making its way on my face as I saunter towards her.
The music shifts to something soft contrasting the loud rock that was being played throughout the night. The lights turn even dimmer, blue and grey with the calming silvery hue. Her hands are crossed over her head, her luxurious hair cascading and flipping and bouncing as she gracefully yet slowly and mindlessly moves in accord with the tune.
When I reach her, her back faces me and I bend to her level."I told you to ask about the drug gang and not to intoxicate yourself."
Her drunkard self is bouncy and on the edge as she jerks by the sudden whisper and turns around, fast enough to give herself a neck sprain.
"Oh." Her lips form a perfect 'O' after which she giggles.
"Yeah. Oh." I roll my eyes at her. My sudden intrusion puts a halt on her dancing as she stands still and most importantly straight.
"Come, we have to leave." I hold her hand and guide her towards the couch but she doesn't budge as she frees her hand and pulls me back to the stage, instead.
"I.WANT.TO.DANCE." She pronounces every word fumbling and slurping.
"Why?" How did the girl who fears even walking on heels is now hell-bent on dancing in them?
She utters some gibberish, weird noises and words, mashing syllables together. Her lips pucker out, her cheeks inflating cutely.
She chooses not to answer my question and instead, she picks my large hands in her small putty ones and places them on her petite waist.
My eyebrow raises at her, her hands still lying on mine. "I can dance in heels." She spews her words like a web, thin and white and rapidly.
"Are you sure?" My words have a taunting edge to them, thick and low. But, her inebriated mind doesn't calculate the underlying means and she nods almost so innocently.
To prove her newfound talent, her hands trace a path to my shoulders where they relax, as she started swaying, softly and sloppily.
Her fingers lock behind my neck, while she shifts closer and closer. Her rugged and careless and disorganised breaths but coordinated limbs cocoon me and I am losing myself.
Her rhythms fall a little slow after moments and I know she is growing tired and sleepy and exhausted. Without giving her an option, I am quick to pick her up. Her feet paddles in the air, but her arms wound themselves around my neck. Eyes dropping and drooping, while a pink hue adorns her face.
I walk towards Sameer and tell him that I'll put her in the car after which I'll come and help the others to my car as well. Once I settle Inaayat in my car's passenger seat and secure her with the seatbelt, I help Mishti and Garima to my car and then both Sameer and I try carrying and holding Nikhil as well.
"How will they go back to the hostel?" I question looking at the three sleeping beauties while Inaayat who is now suddenly awake and energised, is talking to her fingers.
Sameer shrugs and I know I can't leave them alone, so I do the first thing that comes to my mind.
Had they even planned something before they decided to empty their brains and fill them with alcohol?
"Where are we going?" Sameer asks as I start driving.
"My house." Who thought I'll arrange a pyjama party for my oh so lovely college friends, but here we are.
"Brrrrrrrrr.."Inaayat continues her background music while Sameer tries settling with Nikhil on his lap.
"Am I also allowed to your house, like...I ain't drunk?" Sameer foolishly questions and I just pass him a glare which silences him for the rest of the ride.
"Pssshhhhh!" Inaayat adds as she frees her feet from the painful sandals slowly, and rests her feet on the car cabinet. She pushes her seat backwards caging Sameer in his seat, just behind her.
"Aayat, pull your seat back, I have no space for my legs." Sameer requests her.
"NO. You are extra." Inaayat adds and comfortably settles and sits. Not budging and ignoring Sameer's whines.
It's almost 2 AM when we reach my apartment. The night's cold and chilly while the car is now filled with the soft snores of the other five companions. I shake my head at the sleepy sight before me, as I park my car.
"Sameer," I say trying to wake him up.
I repeat his name twice and then thrice before he is finally awake. "Take this key, I'll open the door. First, you take Nikhil up, and then one by one we'll carry them up." I instruct him.
"Oh-kay." He drowsily replies.
I get off the car and walk around opening the door for Sameer, and helping Nikhil on his feet after which Sameer guides Nikhil to my apartment. Once he is back, I pick up Mishti and then Sameer takes Garima to the house and he stays there while now it's just me and a sleepy Inaayat in my car.
"I still have no idea how you ended up drunk." I inquest.
"Tip. Dip. Tupp. Bop." She keeps reciting, and I consciously help her off the car and stand next to it. I lock the car while she stands in utmost silence and concentration.
I turn around and lean my back on the car's door as I examine her. She stands there, silently and gawking at me. Her hands rest on her waist, her face sporting an angered look.
"Why." She slurps and I shrug in response. Her face morphs into a frown.
"You were ignoring me." She confronts and I enjoy her befuddled phase. She makes her way towards me without stumbling or tripping.
Who thought I'll live to see the day where Inaayat doesn't fall or trip or slip.
"I hate this." She says running her hand on my face, casually and tranquilising. She traces my lower jaw with utmost concentration. My beard pricks her fingers, but she still traces my face, nonetheless.
"You look better without it. Way way way better." She smiles softly, her eyes meeting mine.
"Is it?" I playfully smirk but her face still holds sincerity.
"Really. I don't like this." Her voice is gentle and muffled and peaceful.
She mewls some incoherent words about me being rude and egoistic and someone who only taunts her. She claims herself being clumsiness- free and proudly tells me that she will never fall or trip. She busies herself in her monologue and I do nothing but stare at her. Something warms inside me, frenzies my heart, lulls me and blankets me with so many emotions.
After she tires herself, she yawns and leans on me. Resting her cheek on my chest, she tightens her arms around me. Caging me in a mellow, homely hug. She whimpers sleepily and I finally pick her up again. She nuzzles into my neck and falls asleep.
Reaching my flat, I know Mishti and Garima are in my bedroom while Sameer is sitting on the floor with his back being supported by the sofa and Nikhil has crashed on my sofa.
I am still carrying Inaayat as I try thinking where should I make her sleep. Not only that, I have to make sure that I drop Nikhil, Mishti and Garima back to the hostel before they wake up.
I perch her on the sofa chair and go in the storeroom to bring two spare mattresses and the bedding.
Arranging them on the floor in front of the sofa, allowing Sameer to take one while I lay Inaayat on the other and cover her with a duvet.
After some minutes back, I sit next to her with a cup of tea and my laptop, I look at her as she lets out a small comforting sigh and her comfort relaxes my worries, too.
"I.WANT.TO.DANCE." She pronounces every word fumbling and slurping.
"Why?" How did the girl who fears even walking on heels is now hell-bent on dancing in them?
She utters some gibberish, weird noises and words, mashing syllables together. Her lips pucker out, her cheeks inflating cutely.
She chooses not to answer my question and instead, she picks my large hands in her small putty ones and places them on her petite waist.
My eyebrow raises at her, her hands still lying on mine. "I can dance in heels." She spews her words like a web, thin and white and rapidly.
"Are you sure?" My words have a taunting edge to them, thick and low. But, her inebriated mind doesn't calculate the underlying means and she nods almost so innocently.
To prove her newfound talent, her hands trace a path to my shoulders where they relax, as she started swaying, softly and sloppily.
Her fingers lock behind my neck, while she shifts closer and closer. Her rugged and careless and disorganised breaths but coordinated limbs cocoon me and I am losing myself.
Her rhythms fall a little slow after moments and I know she is growing tired and sleepy and exhausted. Without giving her an option, I am quick to pick her up. Her feet paddles in the air, but her arms wound themselves around my neck. Eyes dropping and drooping, while a pink hue adorns her face.
I walk towards Sameer and tell him that I'll put her in the car after which I'll come and help the others to my car as well. Once I settle Inaayat in my car's passenger seat and secure her with the seatbelt, I help Mishti and Garima to my car and then both Sameer and I try carrying and holding Nikhil as well.
"How will they go back to the hostel?" I question looking at the three sleeping beauties while Inaayat who is now suddenly awake and energised, is talking to her fingers.
Sameer shrugs and I know I can't leave them alone, so I do the first thing that comes to my mind.
Had they even planned something before they decided to empty their brains and fill them with alcohol?
"Where are we going?" Sameer asks as I start driving.
"My house." Who thought I'll arrange a pyjama party for my oh so lovely college friends, but here we are.
"Brrrrrrrrr.."Inaayat continues her background music while Sameer tries settling with Nikhil on his lap.
"Am I also allowed to your house, like...I ain't drunk?" Sameer foolishly questions and I just pass him a glare which silences him for the rest of the ride.
"Pssshhhhh!" Inaayat adds as she frees her feet from the painful sandals slowly, and rests her feet on the car cabinet. She pushes her seat backwards caging Sameer in his seat, just behind her.
"Aayat, pull your seat back, I have no space for my legs." Sameer requests her.
"NO. You are extra." Inaayat adds and comfortably settles and sits. Not budging and ignoring Sameer's whines.
It's almost 2 AM when we reach my apartment. The night's cold and chilly while the car is now filled with the soft snores of the other five companions. I shake my head at the sleepy sight before me, as I park my car.
"Sameer," I say trying to wake him up.
I repeat his name twice and then thrice before he is finally awake. "Take this key, I'll open the door. First, you take Nikhil up, and then one by one we'll carry them up." I instruct him.
"Oh-kay." He drowsily replies.
I get off the car and walk around opening the door for Sameer, and helping Nikhil on his feet after which Sameer guides Nikhil to my apartment. Once he is back, I pick up Mishti and then Sameer takes Garima to the house and he stays there while now it's just me and a sleepy Inaayat in my car.
"I still have no idea how you ended up drunk." I inquest.
"Tip. Dip. Tupp. Bop." She keeps reciting, and I consciously help her off the car and stand next to it. I lock the car while she stands in utmost silence and concentration.
I turn around and lean my back on the car's door as I examine her. She stands there, silently and gawking at me. Her hands rest on her waist, her face sporting an angered look.
"Why." She slurps and I shrug in response. Her face morphs into a frown.
"You were ignoring me." She confronts and I enjoy her befuddled phase. She makes her way towards me without stumbling or tripping.
Who thought I'll live to see the day where Inaayat doesn't fall or trip or slip.
"I hate this." She says running her hand on my face, casually and tranquilising. She traces my lower jaw with utmost concentration. My beard pricks her fingers, but she still traces my face, nonetheless.
"You look better without it. Way way way better." She smiles softly, her eyes meeting mine.
"Is it?" I playfully smirk but her face still holds sincerity.
"Really. I don't like this." Her voice is gentle and muffled and peaceful.
She mewls some incoherent words about me being rude and egoistic and someone who only taunts her. She claims herself being clumsiness- free and proudly tells me that she will never fall or trip. She busies herself in her monologue and I do nothing but stare at her. Something warms inside me, frenzies my heart, lulls me and blankets me with so many emotions.
After she tires herself, she yawns and leans on me. Resting her cheek on my chest, she tightens her arms around me. Caging me in a mellow, homely hug. She whimpers sleepily and I finally pick her up again. She nuzzles into my neck and falls asleep.
Reaching my flat, I know Mishti and Garima are in my bedroom while Sameer is sitting on the floor with his back being supported by the sofa and Nikhil has crashed on my sofa.
I am still carrying Inaayat as I try thinking where should I make her sleep. Not only that, I have to make sure that I drop Nikhil, Mishti and Garima back to the hostel before they wake up.
I perch her on the sofa chair and go in the storeroom to bring two spare mattresses and the bedding.
Arranging them on the floor in front of the sofa, allowing Sameer to take one while I lay Inaayat on the other and cover her with a duvet.
After some minutes back, I sit next to her with a cup of tea and my laptop, I look at her as she lets out a small comforting sigh and her comfort relaxes my worries, too.
I am a goner.
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until next chapter, keep dodging the bullets, ऊ.
Delightful Reading Experience
Experience stories by meethi02 in a whole new light
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