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━━━━ ♛ ━━━━ INAAYAT ━━━━ ♛ ━━━━
When we reach our respective rooms, my phone blazes as Sameer's name pops up on the phone's screen.
"Hey, we just met Sameer," I farce.
We had just returned to our rooms after having dinner. We visited the farm nearby and saw the production of jams, squashes, ice creams also understood the workings of different types of machinery. We all are dead exhausted from today's expedition.
"Angel, I know we just met but I have called you to get my share of acknowledgement which you might have forgotten about." He enlightens me.
"And why would I do that, ol'sir?" I use a silly accent. Moving towards the room's window, I stand there as we converse.
"First of all, I am not old and secondly you have to thank me for getting to share a room with your friends, m'lady."
"What did you do?" I can hear Mishti and Garima unpacking their bags and fighting over sunscreen.
"Oye, you were initially paired with Rhea and Dhruvi. I sneaked into their office and altered the list before Malti ma'am got hold of the list." My eyes shoot up in alarm as I tried processing his words.
"What the...shit. How? Why?"
"So that you can be with Mishti and Garima, duh."
"No, I need the real reason," I call him out. I wouldn't have felt bad if I got assigned a room with the strangers.
"Okay. You are really smart. They are part of the Devils and I didn't want you to go near them."
"Who are the Devils?"
"Those are our group's college nemesis. Like especially Nikhil's and mine." He informs me and I comprehend his reason.
"Oh. But, why nemesis? What happened between you all?"
"I dated Rhea once but found that she was cheating on me so we ended it on an ugly note. While Nikhil and Varun are strong enemies because they both are in a continuous race to prove themselves better than the other." He discloses.
"Ah, I see. College nemesis, but do you think it is that serious? Like I understand the bad break up but, that bad?"
"You can't even imagine, Angel. Terrible."
"Well, thank you then." I can hear Nikhil shouting at Sameer for something, asking him to get his shirt from the cupboard. He tells me that he'll talk later and disconnects the call.
When I turn around I find both Mishti and Garima looking at me with suggestive glances, hands-on their waist and wicked smiles on their faces.
I ask them the reason behind their sudden interest in my conversation with Sameer when they start twirling around like the Disney movie characters.
"Late night."
Their ball-dance stops and they make a beeline towards me with their pointed fingers and eyes, they ask me, "What is cooking between both you?"
"Oh my God. He is a friend. Chill you guys."
Mishti questions again and I repeat my answer loud and clear this time.
"Are you sure?"
"I promise." I cross my finger in front of my heart telling them that I ain't lying.
Slumping their shoulders, they over dramatically tell me that they believe me and that I am a party pooper.
I put my phone in my pocket and wear my rubber slippers, and start walking towards the door when they stop me and ask where I was going.
"Just for a walk, I'll be back soon." I needed fresh air to clear my mind and to think of a plan. I cannot just wait for information to walk towards me, I needed to find it.
"Going to meet Sameer?" Is the last thing I hear when the door closes behind me.
━━━━ ♛ ━━━━
I reach the ground floor as I groan at their stupidity. Sameer is a good friend, and the best part is that he and I are alike. We have the same childishness when it comes to food and we both deal with problems the same way, over ice cream.
The lobby is primarily empty as I take the exit door and start taking rounds around the hotel building. I can see some students sitting on the benches while others are chatting or taking random saunters like me.
I see a swimming pool across the garden and decide to sit there. Luckily, there is no one near the swimming pool area. All the students were cautioned during the dinner that no one is allowed to dive into the pool. There is a strict decorum to be maintained.
It is already 11 PM so assuming that the professors would have already been asleep I take my chance and go towards the abandoned pool.
Pulling my tights a little above my ankles I take a seat on the pool's edge.
Dipping my feet into the water, I allow the coolness of the liquid waves to hit my legs. I relish the feeling of calmness and positivity that the water instils in me.
I close my eyes taking in everything the frosty wind and the cold water offers. My mind involuntarily wanders to the suicides, the killer, my new friends, Ditu, mom and dad.
"Breaking rules are we?" I hear a taunting voice as my eyes open and I turn a little to catch a smirking Nikhil.
"Why are you here?" I ask uninterestingly.
"Attitude?" He acknowledges as he assumes a seat beside me, pulling his sweats up and dipping them into the water like me. I am swaying my legs in the blue heaven.
"Who invited you here?" His closeness infuriates me and I voice out my opinions. He thinks that he is uber cool and that all girls are dying to be with him.
"Nikhil Mehta doesn't need an invitation." He cockily responses. I shake my head at his narcissism. I focus my eye at the water, shifting a little to my side.
"Thinking about your boyfriend?"
"Oof, seriously? Couldn't think anything better to ask me about my relationship status?"
"You are a smart one, aren't you? Now that you have understood my point. Single or not?"
"I am," I give a short reply.
"Yes, Nikhil."
"Good, so now I can flirt easily."
"Question isn't whether you can flirt or not, the question is whether I will allow you or not."
"Aayat, if that's a challenge. Just remember that I love winning challenges." He mocks.
"Don't be so confident Nikhil. You wouldn't even know when I win and leave right in front of your eyes."
"We'll see."
"Looks like Nikhil found his new conquest," I hear a new voice as I find five new faces standing across the pool. Although, they aren't new due to my research chore.
Three girls and two boys.
"Fuck. The Devils," I hear Nikhil muttering under his breath as I look at them grinning.
New suspects welcome onboard.
How did you find the chapter?
Please do tell me :-)
Also, Ain't I being tooooo generous?
Till the next update, keep dodging the bullets, ऊ.
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